Enhancing Local Capacities for Building Peaceful and Cohesive Society in Nepal


Download the project factsheet by clicking here.

Project Videos

The phase II has begun with collaborating with artist and looking forward to engaging with more students, youth, schoolteachers, CSO’s, youth leaders/Youth Clubs’ members/ student leaders, media professionals, community leaders, political leaders, elected local and provincial government representatives and other local government officials. More about it in this video.

Project summary video of Sadbhaav Phase-II.


नेपालका सामुदायिक विद्यालयहरूमा देखिएका प्रमुख द्वन्द्व/विवादहरू । 
Major conflicts that occur in the community schools of Nepal.

द्वन्द्व संवेदनशील पत्रकारिता भनेको के हो ?
What is conflict sensitive journalism?