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Call for blog on Governance Conflict and Cooperation

Call for Blog on governance conflict and cooperation ब्लग/लेख बारे सामाजिक परिवर्तन केन्द्रले नयाँ विषयवस्तुहरू सहित लेख प्रकाशनलाई यस वर्षपनि निरन्तरता दिंदैछ । यस ब्लग शृङ्खलामा संघियता कार्यान्वयनमा देखिएका तहगत सरकारहरू बीच विवाद तथा सहकार्यको अवस्था, नीतिगत प्रावधान तथा

About Centre for Social Change

Who We Are

Founded in 2015, Centre for Social Change (CSC) is a non-profit making social think-tank based in Kathmandu, Nepal working on the changing socio-political dynamics of Nepalese society via research, education, advocacy and through community mobilization. CSC’s current works are focused on issues around conflict transformation and peacebuilding, democracy and governance, migration and human mobility, labor and employment, civic space and civil society development, and social development and public policy Read More

Our Expertise
  • Skilled and experienced researchers with both qualitative and quantitative research skills
  • Competent project managers
  • High quality thinkers and educators related to CSC’s working themes
  • Effective campaigners(both social media and ground based)
  • Motivated volunteers
  • Diverse team
  • Sound understanding of socio-economic and political context from the local, national and global perspectives

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