Overwhelmed by the number of contributions and interests we received during our previous blog series, we have created yet another digital platform where people can share their opinions, experiences and recommendations on the systems and processes relevant to Federalism in Nepal, through the lens of conflict, especially, (1) Natural Resources and Climate Disputes, (2) Development Conflicts, (3) Political Conflicts and (4) Ethno-Cultural Conflicts.
What are the existing conflicts that may be hindering good governance in Nepal? Who can the involved actors be? How do you think these conflicts can be resolved or transformed? Through this blog series, we aim to provide readers with insights on the existence, actors involved, impacts and (possible) transformation of such conflicts in the Nepali governance systems and processes.
CSC, through different initiatives has been committed in creating public spaces for people to bring their voices to a greater platform and initiate much needed discussions. This blog series targets to add to that mission by connecting a diverse background of professionals, academicians and scholars, practitioners, government officials and emerging as well as established individuals from any walks of life through their ideas and opinions.
The proposed blog series aims to focus on the following themes related to governance conflict:
For your information, blog articles may include exemplary case studies, lessons learned or recommendations on the following topics:
The topic is not limited to above but open to periphery of governance conflict. We encourage photo blogs/stories or other creative ideas that highlights the above theme.
Word count & language:
Submit your blog at: governanceblog@socialchange.org.np
The submission deadline is flexible, but we consider articles received before the 15th of every month for the following month’s publication cycle.
Rules & conditions for blog publication:
©2021 Centre for Social Change, Kathmandu